A summary of products available from Veni Vidi Vici, suitable for all browsers.
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Late Roman


Dark Age







20mm designs



Modelling Accessories

Paints and Inks

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25mm Roman £1.80 each 15mm Roman £1.00 each
RR1 Legionary Thunderbolt R1 Legionary Thunderbolt
RR2 Legionary Laurel R2 Auxiliary Laurel (16)
RR3 Legionary Laurel ver 2 R3 Auxiliary Wreaths (16)
RR4 Auxiliary Eagle R4 Legionary Thunderbolt ver 2
RR5 Auxiliary Star R5 Legionary Laurel
RR6 Auxiliary Crescent R6 Auxiliary Eagle
RR7 Legionary Thunderbolt2 (Foundry) R7 Auxiliary Star
RR8 Auxiliary Laurel (LRG Oval Shield) R8 Auxiliary Crescent
RR9 Praetorian Infantry. Stars & Cresents R9 Auxiliary Laurel ver 2
RR10 Praetorian Infantry. Scorpion & Scrolls R10 Marine with hole for boss
RR11   Guard Cavalry. 2 different designs. R11 Marine without hole
RR12  Caesarian Roman R12   Praetorian Infantry. Stars and Crescents.
RR13  Legion Standard Bearer shield designs (5 different) R13  Praetorian Infantry. Scorpion and scrolls.
    R14  Guard Cavalry. 2 different designs.
The above are available in white, yellow or red.
25mm Hellenistic £1.80 each 15mm Hellenistic £1.00 each
GG1 Macedonian Star G1 Bird
GG2 Discontinued G2 Bulls Head
GG3 Discontinued G3 Club
GG4 Star Surround G4 Cup
GG5 Spartan G5 Dolphin
GG6 Star & Surround G6 Macedonian Star
GG7 Seleucid Design G7 Discontinued
GG8 Mix of 8 diff designs G8 Palm Tree
GG9 Pelta(cresent)designs G9 Trident
Available in white, black or red. G10 Winged Foot
    G11 Spartan
    G12 Seleucid Design
    G13 Star & Surround
    G14 Mixed Star/Tri/Snake/Boar
    G15 Mixed Gorgon/A/Bull/Lion
    G16 Pelta 6 diff designs
    G17 Small Pelta 6 designs
    G18 Mix of 12 different designs (animals, face, eye)
  All the above are available in white, black, red, light blue, green, yellow or purple.
25mm Late Roman
- single colour designs £1.80 each
15mm Late Roman
- single colour designs £1.00 each
LL1 Alternate Bands L1 Alternate Bands
LL2 Star Design L2 Star Design
LL3 Sun Ray L3 "U" Design
LL4 Eagle design for elite legions L4 Sun Ray
LL5 Chi-ro L5 Eagle
LL6 Twin serpents with small chi-ro L6 Chi-Ro
LL7  Spoke Design II L7 "U" + Chi-Ro
LL8   Triangles L8  Spoke Design II
    L9  Triangles
All the above are available in white, black, red, light blue, green, yellow or purple.
25mm Late Roman
- two colour designs £1.80 each
15mm Late Roman
- two colour designs £1.00 each
LL10 Spoke Design L10 Spoke Design
LL11 Lion L11 Lion
LL12 Sun Ray L12 Sun Ray
LL13 Alternate Bands L13 Alternate Bands
Available in red/yellow, red/black, red/blue, green/blue or green/yellow.
25mm Medieval £1.80 each 15mm Medieval £1.00 each
MM1 Knight - 6 different swan/roses/eagle/lion/fleur/waves (30) M1 Knight - 6 different swan/roses/eagle/lion/fleur/waves (30)
MM2 Knight - 6 different of 3 types eagle/lion/flower/fleur-de-lys (30) M2 Knight - 6 different of 3 types eagle/lion/flower/fleur-de-lys (30)
MM3 Knight - mix of 4 different types crosses (30) M3 Knight - mix of 4 different types crosses (30)
MM4 Maltese cross M4 Infantry - Round shield. Cross design
MM5 Spanish Military Orders M5 Infantry - Teardrop shield. Waves design (30)
MM6 Fleur de Lys - 3 different types. M6 Infantry - Teardrop shield. 2 headed eagle design (30)
MM7 Knight - Mythical creatures (30) M7 Infantry - Round shield. Flower design
MM8 Knight - Hungarian designs (30) M8 Infantry - Teardrop shield. Swan design (30)
MM9 Knight - Objects (30) M9 Infantry - Round shield. 2 headed eagle design
MM10 Rose, grape, castle and star M10 Knight/infantry. Maltese cross.
MM11 Deer, lightening, corn and feather M11 Knight/infantry. Spanish Military Orders
MM12 Wolf, giant, fish and sun
M12 Knight/infantry. Fleur de Lys - 3 different types
MM13 Lion, hounds, coins and dragon M13 Knight - Mythical creatures (30)
    M14 Infantry - Roses (30)
    M15 Knight - Objects (30)
    M16 Knight - Hungarian designs (30)
All the above are available in white, black, red, yellow or navy.
25mm Dark Age £1.80 each 15mm Dark Age £1.00 each
DD1 Kite shield with hole for boss. 12 designs (20) D1 Kite shield for Norman cavalry. Hole for boss. 10 designs (16)
DD2 Kite shield without hole for boss. 12 designs D2 Kite shield for Norman inf. Hole for boss. 10 designs (16)
DD3 Round shield. Mix of Viking type designs. 14mm diameter D3 Round shield. Mix of Viking type designs.
DD4 Round shield. Mix of Viking type designs. 10mm diameter D4 5 point star design for oval shield
DD5 Kite shield for redesigned Essex Figures (21) D5 Bulls head design for oval shield
DD6  Dragon design for oval shield with hole for boss.(20) D6 Byzantine large shield design
DD7 5 point star design for oval shield with hole for boss.(20) D7 Arab round shield designs, mix of sizes and designs
DD8 Bulls Head design for oval shield with hole for boss.(20)    
DD9 Byzantine large shield design    
DD10 Arab round shield designs, mix of sizes and designs    
All the above are available in white, black, red, navy or yellow.
25mm Barbarian £1.80 each 15mm Barbarian £1.00 each
BB1 A mix of shield shapes and patterns. Does 20 figures. B1 Long "straight sided" shields, common Gallic/German
BB2 Dacians. 10 different designs. Fits Foundry oval shields. B2 Oval Design, common Spanish type
BB3 Picts. 16 different designs. Fits Foundry rectangular shields B3 "Fat" Oval, almost round
BB4 Aztec. 19 different designs.    
All the above are available in white, black, red, green, blue or yellow.
25mm Asian £1.80 each 15mm Asian £1.00 each
 AA1 Takeda Mon. 4 diamond designs A1 Takeda Mon. 4 diamond designs
 AA2 Sanada Mon. 6 circles with square holes A2 Sanada Mon. 6 circles with square holes
 AA3 Fujiwara Mon. 6 circles around circle A3 Fujiwara Mon. 6 circles around circle
 AA4 Minamoto Mon. Bar with dots above/below A4 Minamoto Mon. Bar with dots above/below
 AA5 Takeda generals. 4 diff designs A5  Takeda generals. 4 diff designs
 AA6 Uesugi generals. 2 diff designs A6 Uesugi generals. 2 diff designs
 AA7 Uesugi generals II. 4 diff designs. A7 Uesugi generals II. 4 diff designs.
Above available in white, black, red or yellow.
25mm Fantasy £1.80 each    
FF1 Star, Boars Head, Octopus, Gorgon, Bulls Head, Lion    
FF2 Cobra, Spider & web, Wolf, Clawed Hand, Octopus, Gorgon    
FF3  Evil Eye - 2 different sizes    
FF4 Grinning Moon - 2 different sizes    
FF5 Skulls, 2 different sizes on a sheet; 10mm and 8mm high (49)    
All the above are available in white, black, red, yellow or blue.
25mm Extras £1.80 each 15mm Extras £1.00 each
XX1 Warning Signs. Cut the block of stripes to fit, when dry, not when wet! X1 Chinese chariot umbrella designs. Large size to fit Essex Miniatures chariots. Four transfers to a sheet; flying dragons, geometric patterns and line design.
Available in either black/yellow or red/yellow
X2 Chinese chariot designs. Small size for Chariot Miniatures chariots. Six transfers to a sheet.
XX2  Republican Roman. 3 different designs on a sheet
Available in white, black, red, green and blue.
   Available in black, white, red or yellow X3  Republican Roman. 3 different designs on a sheet
XX3 Indian Elephant decorations  Available in black, white, red or yellow
 This a three colour print - no options available   X4 Indian Elephant decorations
      This a three colour print - no options available  
25mm Heros - special two colour designs £1.00 each    
HE1 Warrior designs. Various patterns.    
HE2 Warrior designs. More various patterns.    
HE3 Dwarf designs. Round, with hammers/axes etc    
HE4 Elf designs. Mystical    
Available in yellow/white, yellow/red, yellow/green, navy/white, navy/red or navy/green.
25mm Heros - science fiction
£1.00 each
 HE5  Squad Markings    
 HE6  Striking Eagle    
 HE7  Mailed Fist    
HE8  Wolves    
 HE9 Skull design, 6mm high    
Available in red, black, white or yellow.
World War 2 Designs - £1.00 each    
WW01 28mm Numbers Outline    
  Available in: black or white    
WW02 28mm Numbers Solid    
  Available in: black, white, red or yellow    
WW03 28mm Numbers Solid with Outline    
  Available in: black/white or red/white    
WW04 28mm German Crosses    
  black/white only    
WW05 28mm German Crosses - white    
  white only    
 20mm Transfers - Various Periods £0.85 each    
HT01 Greek hoplite designs (8mm diameter)    
HT02 Spartan hoplite (8mm diameter)    
HT03 Republican Roman, 3 diff, designs (8mm tall, 3mm wide)    
HT04 Pikemen designs, 3 different on a sheet    
HT21 WW2 star designs, two types in 2 different sizes    
Above available in black, white or red
Modelling Accessories  


0006-C Flocking gel 4oz pot - coarse for rocky terrain £4.75    
0007-M Flocking gel 4oz pot - medium, for rough ground/grass £4.75    
0008-F Flocking gel 4oz pot - fine, for sand/mud £4.75    
0009-X Flocking gel 4oz pot - extra fine for water, oil spills, slime £4.75    
00blank_inkjt_clear Blank decal paper (8.5x11 inch). For use with inkjet printers. Transparent background £4.00    
00blank_inkjt_w Blank decal paper (8.5x11 inch). For use with inkjet printers. White background £4.00    
00blank_las_clear Blank decal paper (8.5x11 inch). For use with laser printers. Transparent background £4.00    
00blank_las_w Blank decal paper (8.5x11 inch). For use with laser printers. White background £4.00    

Green stuff in a strip. Cut off the required amount and mix both sides of the tape to create green stuff modelling putty.
110gm, about 3 feet (90cm) long. £8.35

Paintier 80 Paint (and brush) organiser. Available only for UK/Europe £75    
Thats the end of the list - more products coming soon

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